Welcome to Ekklesia!

Welcome to the UNWOKE church. We are a diverse community from all over Southern California who is committed to bringing people into the Kingdom, making disciples, and training and equipping them for winning the culture for God.

In ancient Greece, the ekklesia was the gathering of influential citizens to discuss issues of the city-state. Every major issue was argued and decided by the ekklesia. It was, essentially, the gate of decision in their community. When Jesus called his Church "ekklesia", the people knew that He meant for the Church to be the influential voice at their city gates. 

To us, this means that we don't shy away from confronting current cultural issues from the pulpit or in our communities. These things affect our daily lives, our families, and our country, and we want to be at the forefront of change in this great state of California.

We are excited to bring you aboard!

Say Hi!